Springtime in Mallorca, to enjoy the garden.
22 May, 2024
It's not that Mallorca undergoes a radical change in spring, meteorologically speaking. The winter has been rather warm, with little rain, and many gardens have suffered from the lack of cold. But the arrival of spring marks a milestone among gardening enthusiasts, whatever their format.
Tips for Having the Perfect Garden in Spring
Flowers and plants need something essential to thrive in the garden: the shade of the gardener who cares for them, waters them, and protects them from pests. Whether you're an expert in the field or just starting out in gardening, at Balear Invest , we know that a garden, no matter its size, adds a lot of joy to a home.
For this reason, we want to offer you some tips and recommendations so that your piece of land flourishes and remains healthy:
- Even if the typical cold, damp, and rainy weather of Mallorca's winter hasn't occurred, the lower temperatures may have affected the garden. It's likely that weeds have grown around plants or vegetables—if you also alternate with urban orchards—that can shade and deprive the rest of the plantation of sunlight and oxygen. It's necessary to remove them from the root to ensure they don't consume the resources of the others. Additionally, these types of plants attract pests, which increase significantly in spring. To remove them, it's ideal to pull them out with the help of gloves that protect your hands, or byapplying herbicide. In the latter case, it's essential to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- The soil needs care and plants need pruning. Remove all those that haven't survived the winter and thoroughly sanitize the soil. To do this, after cleaning the surface, carefully loosen the soil without damaging the remaining plants, and add some compost or vitamins, mixing them to a depth no greater than a hand's breadth. It's not advisable to leave the soil hard because it weakens the roots. After loosening and fertilizing the garden, make sure it settles by watering abundantly.
- If you have an automatic irrigation system, take this opportunity to remove it and check for leaks or clogs. Summer in Mallorca can be harsh, and if you won't be able to water your garden every day, you'll need the extra support of these systems.
- Plan your garden, considering the plants already in it. If you like flowers, look for those that best adapt to Mallorca's temperature and climate. If you prefer vegetables, look for local species typical of summer. The best time to plant vegetables is at the end of May or beginning of June, as this ensures abundant production during the months of July, August, and September. Whether you opt for flowers or vegetables, remember to plant aromatic herbs
like basil, parsley, or thyme among them because they attract pollinating insects, which are the gardener's best friends. It's advisable to have aloe vera, rosemary, or sage at the ends or sides of the gardens. - In winter, snails, and in summer, ants. This is the reality of gardens and orchards in Mallorca. To combat pests, it's important to apply insecticide on trunks or around branches and trees, which not only keeps them protected but also helps them stay healthier.
- Give your garden the care it needs. Plants, especially in summer, grow and bear fruit very quickly. Don't forget to water daily, when necessary, prune when needed, and provide the support they need.
- In the case of urban or home gardens, remember that tomatoes need to be supported with stakes and string. Zucchinis are better planted in spacious areas because they grow a lot and very quickly, and peppers and eggplants need water, but in moderation if you don't want them to grow small and with darker patches. Onions are a separate world, and you can plant them and forget about them until it's time to harvest them.
Vertical Gardens for Smaller Spaces
And if you don't have much space but don't want to give up the pleasure of having and caring for your plants, you may already be familiar with the popular vertical gardens.
Whether for outdoor use or to decorate the interior, these gardening and horticulture proposals make use of any wall to turn it into another green area of the house.
In a sometimes, smaller format, vertical gardens can accommodate everything from decorative plants, flowers, aromatic and medicinal herbs, to small fruits and vegetables...
Having a garden of this kind improves the air quality of a home, especially if it doesn't have a terrace or an outdoor area. Additionally, it prevents the walls from heating up and, consequently, cools the environment.
It's also an ally against stress and a relaxing, fun, and full of possibilities therapy.
Do you like plants? Do you prefer horticulture? Do you also have a terrace? If you feel like giving your patio a new look, we invite you to read this post where we review all the outdoor decoration trends in Mallorca for the spring-summer season 2024.